Waste Oil Management: Three Collection Guidelines to Prevent Contamination

Improper disposal of waste oil is dangerous due to the risk of contamination to the environment. In general, used oil produced in industrial and commercial environments contains harmful chemicals and heavy metals. If these materials are released without control, they may contaminate the land and water. The chemicals can cause diseases, disorders and even death. Moreover, these oils often end up in aquatic areas and affect animals in these environments, including fish and birds. Therefore, you must plan for the collection and disposal of your used materials. Here are some essential tips for preventing contamination problems.  

Establish Protocol

You should establish a procedure for handling waste oil in your business. The protocol should be in line with the legal requirements within your area. Usually, the correct process for waste oil management will depend on the type of operations which produce the material. Your procedure should begin with the drainage of the fluid from the equipment. Then, the oil should be placed in secure containers and stored separately from other wastes. Finally, the disposal of the oil must be handled by qualified professionals. Choose a company with experience in the management of hazardous materials because careless disposal will result in penalties like fines.

Know Containers

The containers used for storing waste oil before disposal present the most obvious point of contamination. Therefore, you must ensure the containers are secure enough to prevent spills. Choose the right vats for storage because ordinary containers, even fuel containers, are not sufficient. Remember, waste oil contains chemicals, and these can damage most materials. Always use an industrial-grade waste oil tank. When you pour fluid into your container, seal the top correctly. It is also important to label each tank with clear information about the contents. Never mix the waste oil with other fluids or chemicals because a reaction could occur and damage the container. Always store the unit in a safe and cool space.

Manage Spills

Finally, you should plan for the management of waste oil spills on your commercial or industrial property. Proper preparation for this problem is crucial because accidents can happen. You can prevent environmental contamination with most spills through quick clean-up. In general, you will need to locate the leak and resolve it. Then, use protective wear to prevent exposure and isolate the area with the spill. Use sorbent materials to keep the waste oil from flowing into drains or other outlets. The clean-up pads or other sorbents must be disposed of as hazardous materials due to oil contamination.

Learn more about waste oil collection.
